從Callcentermagazine上讀到了Jennifer lovo 寫的一篇關(guān)于坐席辭職的文章,看后覺得文中許多地方都有似曾相識(shí)的經(jīng)歷,于是試著翻譯了一下,不知道大家是否也有同感?呵呵……不管有沒有,這是我博客的開篇日志,也算是略有幾分紀(jì)念意義。哈哈……翻譯不妥、有錯(cuò)字的地方還請(qǐng)多多指教!
13 Reasons Why Agents Resign
call center recruiter offers an overview of the most common reasons for agent turnover, and how to get them to stay.
Working at a call center is like being in a sea of penguins — you’re surrounded by many people just like you. Frontline agents often find it difficult to stand out from among the myriad employees who perform the same job. Also, in many call centers, the levels of authority are very visible, managers and supervisors seem to hold all the cards, and there is little flexibility for expressing one’s creativity or individualism. This is why it is critical to pay attention to your employees’ subtleties; to know and to acknowledge what is important to each individual and act on it.
Causes of Attrition
Frontline turnover is one of the biggest headaches for call center managers. There are many reasons why agents quit. The following are some of the most common, along with suggestions for boosting your retention rates.
Highly Structured Job Environment
Call centers typically have in place strict rules on when to be on and off the phones, when to take breaks and lunch, as well as talk time and call volume goals, and call monitoring. Employees without previous experience working in this type of environment often have a difficult time adapting to it.
TIP—Make realistic job previews a part of your hiring process. Explain and describe a day in the life of a call center representative. If possible, have candidates sit with a senior rep while he or she takes calls. Be sure not to oversell the job in the hopes that the positives will outweigh the negatives for the candidate.
Changing Bonus Structure
Compensation continues to be a top cause of call center attrition. Frequent changes to the salary and bonus structure are typically intended to reflect shifting company objectives in a demanding market — yet they leave agents feeling out of control. And if employees begin to make less money on bonuses and incentives, it is the kiss of death.
TIP—Try to make modifications over time to minimize the impact of drastic changes. Communicate often with agents to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the bonus structure and what they can do to impact their compensation.
Benefit Changes
Changes in benefits can range from the price of healthcare to doing away with free coffee in the break room. When employees feel that the company is taking away from what was originally promised when they were first hired, it leads to distrust and bitterness.
TIP—Communicate. Offer a full and honest explanation of the changes and involve staff in the discussion via an open forum. The key to acceptance is to understand the reasons behind the company’s decision. Even though employees will be upset, they will appreciate the fact that you took the time to speak to them and address their concerns.
Low-balling the Employee at the Time of Hiring
Pay agents what they’re worth. Don’t offer a candidate what he or she asks for if it’s below what everyone else is making.
TIP—Employees always talk about how much they make so don’t take advantage just because the candidate did not ask for much and did not counter-offer. When employees find out that they’ve been low-balled in their salary offer, they will feel betrayed.
Call Burn-out
The repetitiveness of the calls, coupled with the stress that comes with dealing with difficult callers, leads to burn-out.
TIP—Create a bonus structure that will keep agents focused on reaching their goals. Continuously encourage and motivate your employees with small but meaningful gestures to let them know you care and appreciate their hard work.
Lack of Growth Potential
In employee surveys, the lack of career opportunities frequently lands in the top five reasons for leaving a job. Experienced agents often feel like they’ve hit the glass ceiling when they’ve acquired all the skills they need and, no matter what they do, there is no chance of promotion.
TIP—This is where very open and honest communication comes into play. Make sure that you have the pulse on your group. Be aware of those agents who have been with the company for a long time. How do they feel? What do they think about the progress that they may have made? If they’re interested in a leadership role, how can you help them to develop for the next open spot?
If supervisor positions or promotions are scarce in your company, then perhaps you can offer the opportunity to work on or lead a project. Senior-level agents want to be in a role where they can feel empowered and responsible. Consider delegating some of your managerial tasks to veteran agents to provide them with new challenges — ask them to run a team, represent a training session, create a contest, lead the team for a day, etc.
It is ironic, but attrition creates attrition for two reasons: Agents get recruited by former coworkers or, worse, they leave because everyone else is leaving, which must mean that something is wrong with the company. Constant turnover has a negative impact on the agents who stay because of increased work loads.
TIP—Work closely with your staff in trying to anticipate the changes that a fluctuating team might cause. Involve your agents in centerwide changes at the planning stage. Let them know that their feedback is valuable. Most of all, keep them informed. Communicate frequently and honestly — make sure that the news they hear comes from you, and not from rumors.
Lack of Professionalism in the Work Environment
Some employees are excessively comfortable in their work environment, which can make others feel ill at ease. Lack of professionalism can include the way that agents dress, how their individual work areas are decorated, or just a lack of courtesy in how they speak to and treat one another — any or all of which might cause some employees to look for a better work environment.
TIP—Ask agents to emulate the same professional and courteous behavior that they use with callers with each other. Set internal customer service standards for the work environment and uphold them. Consistency is crucial in managing staff expectations regarding the work environment.
Rumors About the Company’s Stability
Most employees either know someone who has been laid off or have been through the experience themselves. When a company fails to communicate, makes too many unexplained changes or is undergoing a merger, employees will choose to leave rather than risk being let go. Even if the rumors are not true, by the time management catches wind of it, a good number of employees could easily be lost.
TIP—The lack of communication sparks most rumors, so communicate as much information as possible. Make sure your agents know the organization’s current status and strategy, leadership direction and reasons behind any recent or upcoming changes.
If you keep your agents in the dark, they’ll start to assume, theorize and come up with their own conclusions. Your employees will not only be misled, they’ll also influence anyone who listens.如果你總是把坐席蒙在鼓里,他們?cè)诖y(cè)中會(huì)產(chǎn)生他們自己的假設(shè)和理論,他們有可能被錯(cuò)誤的誘導(dǎo),甚至影響到更多的人。
Low Morale
There are many factors that produce low morale in the call center: high call volume, lack of or poor leadership, high absenteeism, low pay and dealing with irate callers are just a few. Stress also comes from working in an environment where the supervisors and managers are always tense and focused on the numbers.
TIP—Don’t let the stress and worries of your job filter down to your agents. Your main role is to encourage agents to do the best they can. Remember to praise your staff frequently and find ways to keep motivation levels high.
Inadequate New-Hire Training
In the rush to fill empty seats, many times, new agents are rushed through the training process and expected to produce results in a relatively short amount of time.
TIP—Don’t set employees up to fail. Keep in mind that character over competence has the highest pay off in the long run. Candidates with the personality traits that you’re looking for, and who fit well within the culture of the call center, are worth the time investment. Make sure new-hires have all the necessary tools to hit the ground running and succeed. Track the effectiveness of your initial training process and try to customize it as much as possible to each new-hire.
Fear of Retaliation following a Conflict with a Supervisor or Coworker
Employees will only share information when they believe that they can tell their manager about workplace concerns without fear of retaliation. If a dispute with or complaint against a coworker or supervisor arises, in many cases, the employee will choose to leave rather than risk facing an uncomfortable situation at work.
TIP—Open communication is the foundation of a positive workplace culture. Create an environment in which agents feel that they can speak their concerns directly with their manager without the fear of retaliation. Make sure that all of your supervisors have a clear understanding of the company’s policy on handling complaints and disputes, and that HR has a strong presence within the call center.
Ambiguous Job Performance Feedback
Agents want to know how they’re doing and to be recognized for their contributions. Fuzzy feedback during performance evaluations contributes to low morale and poor performance. A classic example is the agent who hits and even exceeds all the performance measures, but isn’t promoted because he is just not management material.”
TIP—Give agents specific information that can be used constructively. Describe the behavior, not the personality or attitude, and give specific examples of what they can improve on. Address areas where improvement is needed, outline your expectations for improvement and how you intend to help the employee meet them.
Being honest and direct adds value for the employee. Although it may be uncomfortable to have the conversation, as a manager you have nothing to gain and a lot to lose by not letting the agent know exactly why he keeps getting turned down for the next level.
真誠、直爽地幫助坐席提高(不知道這句怎么翻合適,望高手指教 )。雖然這么談話有點(diǎn)別扭,但是一定要讓坐席知道他屢次被拒絕的原因,否則你除了失去一無所獲。
Your goal should be a positive culture
The costs involved with continually replacing agents can cripple a call center. Although you can’t always control all of the reasons why employees leave, in today’s market, it’s imperative to hold on to your valued agents and continue to develop and motivate them. 坐席的頻繁流動(dòng)會(huì)使呼叫中心的成本控制陷入困境。雖然你不能掌控坐席的去留,但是你必須要留住你最有價(jià)值的坐席,不斷地激勵(lì)他們向前發(fā)展、提高。
TIP—Focusing on opportunities to create an environment where our employees enjoy coming to work each day should not only be our goal, but our responsibility as employers.