RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [3, 60, 32] at entry 0 and [3, 54, 32] at entry 2
train_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
transforms.Resize((224)) ###
transforms.Resize() 的參數(shù)設置問題,改為如下設置就可以了
train_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
- dataloader本質(zhì)是一個可迭代對象,使用iter()訪問,不能使用next()訪問;
- 使用iter(dataloader)返回的是一個迭代器,然后可以使用next訪問;
- 也可以使用`for inputs, labels in dataloaders`進行可迭代對象的訪問;
- 一般我們實現(xiàn)一個datasets對象,傳入到dataloader中;然后內(nèi)部使用yeild返回每一次batch的數(shù)據(jù);
① DataLoader本質(zhì)上就是一個iterable(跟python的內(nèi)置類型list等一樣),并利用多進程來加速batch data的處理,使用yield來使用有限的內(nèi)存
② Queue的特點
當隊列里面沒有數(shù)據(jù)時: queue.get() 會阻塞, 阻塞的時候,其它進程/線程如果有queue.put() 操作,本線程/進程會被通知,然后就可以 get 成功。
當數(shù)據(jù)滿了: queue.put() 會阻塞
③ DataLoader是一個高效,簡潔,直觀的網(wǎng)絡輸入數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu),便于使用和擴展
pytorch 的數(shù)據(jù)加載到模型的操作順序是這樣的:
① 創(chuàng)建一個 Dataset 對象
② 創(chuàng)建一個 DataLoader 對象
③ 循環(huán)這個 DataLoader 對象,將img, label加載到模型中進行訓練
dataset = MyDataset()
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset)
num_epoches = 100
for epoch in range(num_epoches):
for img, label in dataloader:
所以,作為直接對數(shù)據(jù)進入模型中的關(guān)鍵一步, DataLoader非常重要。
首先簡單介紹一下DataLoader,它是PyTorch中數(shù)據(jù)讀取的一個重要接口,該接口定義在dataloader.py中,只要是用PyTorch來訓練模型基本都會用到該接口(除非用戶重寫…),該接口的目的:將自定義的Dataset根據(jù)batch size大小、是否shuffle等封裝成一個Batch Size大小的Tensor,用于后面的訓練。
: 傳入的數(shù)據(jù)集
batch_size(int, optional)
: 每個batch有多少個樣本
shuffle(bool, optional)
: 在每個epoch開始的時候,對數(shù)據(jù)進行重新排序
sampler(Sampler, optional)
: 自定義從數(shù)據(jù)集中取樣本的策略,如果指定這個參數(shù),那么shuffle必須為False
batch_sampler(Sampler, optional)
: 與sampler類似,但是一次只返回一個batch的indices(索引),需要注意的是,一旦指定了這個參數(shù),那么batch_size,shuffle,sampler,drop_last就不能再制定了(互斥——Mutually exclusive)
num_workers (int, optional)
: 這個參數(shù)決定了有幾個進程來處理data loading。0意味著所有的數(shù)據(jù)都會被load進主進程。(默認為0)
collate_fn (callable, optional)
: 將一個list的sample組成一個mini-batch的函數(shù)
pin_memory (bool, optional)
: 如果設置為True,那么data loader將會在返回它們之前,將tensors拷貝到CUDA中的固定內(nèi)存(CUDA pinned memory)中.
drop_last (bool, optional)
: 如果設置為True:這個是對最后的未完成的batch來說的,比如你的batch_size設置為64,而一個epoch只有100個樣本,那么訓練的時候后面的36個就被扔掉了…
timeout(numeric, optional)
: 如果是正數(shù),表明等待從worker進程中收集一個batch等待的時間,若超出設定的時間還沒有收集到,那就不收集這個內(nèi)容了。這個numeric應總是大于等于0。默認為0
worker_init_fn (callable, optional)
: 每個worker初始化函數(shù) If not None, this will be called on each
worker subprocess with the worker id (an int in [0, num_workers - 1]) as
input, after seeding and before data loading. (default: None)
- 首先dataloader初始化時得到datasets的采樣list
class DataLoader(object):
Data loader. Combines a dataset and a sampler, and provides
single- or multi-process iterators over the dataset.
dataset (Dataset): dataset from which to load the data.
batch_size (int, optional): how many samples per batch to load
(default: 1).
shuffle (bool, optional): set to ``True`` to have the data reshuffled
at every epoch (default: False).
sampler (Sampler, optional): defines the strategy to draw samples from
the dataset. If specified, ``shuffle`` must be False.
batch_sampler (Sampler, optional): like sampler, but returns a batch of
indices at a time. Mutually exclusive with batch_size, shuffle,
sampler, and drop_last.
num_workers (int, optional): how many subprocesses to use for data
loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.
(default: 0)
collate_fn (callable, optional): merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch.
pin_memory (bool, optional): If ``True``, the data loader will copy tensors
into CUDA pinned memory before returning them.
drop_last (bool, optional): set to ``True`` to drop the last incomplete batch,
if the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size. If ``False`` and
the size of dataset is not divisible by the batch size, then the last batch
will be smaller. (default: False)
timeout (numeric, optional): if positive, the timeout value for collecting a batch
from workers. Should always be non-negative. (default: 0)
worker_init_fn (callable, optional): If not None, this will be called on each
worker subprocess with the worker id (an int in ``[0, num_workers - 1]``) as
input, after seeding and before data loading. (default: None)
.. note:: By default, each worker will have its PyTorch seed set to
``base_seed + worker_id``, where ``base_seed`` is a long generated
by main process using its RNG. However, seeds for other libraies
may be duplicated upon initializing workers (w.g., NumPy), causing
each worker to return identical random numbers. (See
:ref:`dataloader-workers-random-seed` section in FAQ.) You may
use ``torch.initial_seed()`` to access the PyTorch seed for each
worker in :attr:`worker_init_fn`, and use it to set other seeds
before data loading.
.. warning:: If ``spawn`` start method is used, :attr:`worker_init_fn` cannot be an
unpicklable object, e.g., a lambda function.
__initialized = False
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_sampler=None,
num_workers=0, collate_fn=default_collate, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False,
timeout=0, worker_init_fn=None):
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.collate_fn = collate_fn
self.pin_memory = pin_memory
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.timeout = timeout
self.worker_init_fn = worker_init_fn
if timeout 0:
raise ValueError('timeout option should be non-negative')
if batch_sampler is not None:
if batch_size > 1 or shuffle or sampler is not None or drop_last:
raise ValueError('batch_sampler option is mutually exclusive '
'with batch_size, shuffle, sampler, and '
self.batch_size = None
self.drop_last = None
if sampler is not None and shuffle:
raise ValueError('sampler option is mutually exclusive with '
if self.num_workers 0:
raise ValueError('num_workers option cannot be negative; '
'use num_workers=0 to disable multiprocessing.')
if batch_sampler is None:
if sampler is None:
if shuffle:
sampler = RandomSampler(dataset) //將list打亂
sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset)
batch_sampler = BatchSampler(sampler, batch_size, drop_last)
self.sampler = sampler
self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler
self.__initialized = True
def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
if self.__initialized and attr in ('batch_size', 'sampler', 'drop_last'):
raise ValueError('{} attribute should not be set after {} is '
'initialized'.format(attr, self.__class__.__name__))
super(DataLoader, self).__setattr__(attr, val)
def __iter__(self):
return _DataLoaderIter(self)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.batch_sampler)
其中:RandomSampler,BatchSampler已經(jīng)得到了采用batch數(shù)據(jù)的index索引;yield batch機制已經(jīng)在?。?!
class RandomSampler(Sampler):
r"""Samples elements randomly, without replacement.
data_source (Dataset): dataset to sample from
def __init__(self, data_source):
self.data_source = data_source
def __iter__(self):
return iter(torch.randperm(len(self.data_source)).tolist())
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_source)
class BatchSampler(Sampler):
r"""Wraps another sampler to yield a mini-batch of indices.
sampler (Sampler): Base sampler.
batch_size (int): Size of mini-batch.
drop_last (bool): If ``True``, the sampler will drop the last batch if
its size would be less than ``batch_size``
>>> list(BatchSampler(SequentialSampler(range(10)), batch_size=3, drop_last=False))
[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]]
>>> list(BatchSampler(SequentialSampler(range(10)), batch_size=3, drop_last=True))
[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]
def __init__(self, sampler, batch_size, drop_last):
if not isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
raise ValueError("sampler should be an instance of "
"torch.utils.data.Sampler, but got sampler={}"
if not isinstance(batch_size, _int_classes) or isinstance(batch_size, bool) or \
batch_size = 0:
raise ValueError("batch_size should be a positive integeral value, "
"but got batch_size={}".format(batch_size))
if not isinstance(drop_last, bool):
raise ValueError("drop_last should be a boolean value, but got "
self.sampler = sampler
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
def __iter__(self):
batch = []
for idx in self.sampler:
if len(batch) == self.batch_size:
yield batch
batch = []
if len(batch) > 0 and not self.drop_last:
yield batch
def __len__(self):
if self.drop_last:
return len(self.sampler) // self.batch_size
return (len(self.sampler) + self.batch_size - 1) // self.batch_size
- 其中 _DataLoaderIter(self)輸入為一個dataloader對象;如果num_workers=0很好理解,num_workers!=0引入多線程機制,加速數(shù)據(jù)加載過程;
- 沒有多線程時:batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])進行將index轉(zhuǎn)化為data數(shù)據(jù),返回(image,label);self.dataset[i]會調(diào)用datasets對象的
- 多線程下,會為每個線程創(chuàng)建一個索引隊列index_queues;共享一個worker_result_queue數(shù)據(jù)隊列!在_worker_loop方法中加載數(shù)據(jù);
class _DataLoaderIter(object):
r"""Iterates once over the DataLoader's dataset, as specified by the sampler"""
def __init__(self, loader):
self.dataset = loader.dataset
self.collate_fn = loader.collate_fn
self.batch_sampler = loader.batch_sampler
self.num_workers = loader.num_workers
self.pin_memory = loader.pin_memory and torch.cuda.is_available()
self.timeout = loader.timeout
self.done_event = threading.Event()
self.sample_iter = iter(self.batch_sampler)
base_seed = torch.LongTensor(1).random_().item()
if self.num_workers > 0:
self.worker_init_fn = loader.worker_init_fn
self.index_queues = [multiprocessing.Queue() for _ in range(self.num_workers)]
self.worker_queue_idx = 0
self.worker_result_queue = multiprocessing.SimpleQueue()
self.batches_outstanding = 0
self.worker_pids_set = False
self.shutdown = False
self.send_idx = 0
self.rcvd_idx = 0
self.reorder_dict = {}
self.workers = [
args=(self.dataset, self.index_queues[i],
self.worker_result_queue, self.collate_fn, base_seed + i,
self.worker_init_fn, i))
for i in range(self.num_workers)]
if self.pin_memory or self.timeout > 0:
self.data_queue = queue.Queue()
if self.pin_memory:
maybe_device_id = torch.cuda.current_device()
# do not initialize cuda context if not necessary
maybe_device_id = None
self.worker_manager_thread = threading.Thread(
args=(self.worker_result_queue, self.data_queue, self.done_event, self.pin_memory,
self.worker_manager_thread.daemon = True
self.data_queue = self.worker_result_queue
for w in self.workers:
w.daemon = True # ensure that the worker exits on process exit
_update_worker_pids(id(self), tuple(w.pid for w in self.workers))
self.worker_pids_set = True
# prime the prefetch loop
for _ in range(2 * self.num_workers):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.batch_sampler)
def _get_batch(self):
if self.timeout > 0:
return self.data_queue.get(timeout=self.timeout)
except queue.Empty:
raise RuntimeError('DataLoader timed out after {} seconds'.format(self.timeout))
return self.data_queue.get()
def __next__(self):
if self.num_workers == 0: # same-process loading
indices = next(self.sample_iter) # may raise StopIteration
batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
if self.pin_memory:
batch = pin_memory_batch(batch)
return batch
# check if the next sample has already been generated
if self.rcvd_idx in self.reorder_dict:
batch = self.reorder_dict.pop(self.rcvd_idx)
return self._process_next_batch(batch)
if self.batches_outstanding == 0:
raise StopIteration
while True:
assert (not self.shutdown and self.batches_outstanding > 0)
idx, batch = self._get_batch()
self.batches_outstanding -= 1
if idx != self.rcvd_idx:
# store out-of-order samples
self.reorder_dict[idx] = batch
return self._process_next_batch(batch)
next = __next__ # Python 2 compatibility
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _put_indices(self):
assert self.batches_outstanding 2 * self.num_workers
indices = next(self.sample_iter, None)
if indices is None:
self.index_queues[self.worker_queue_idx].put((self.send_idx, indices))
self.worker_queue_idx = (self.worker_queue_idx + 1) % self.num_workers
self.batches_outstanding += 1
self.send_idx += 1
def _process_next_batch(self, batch):
self.rcvd_idx += 1
if isinstance(batch, ExceptionWrapper):
raise batch.exc_type(batch.exc_msg)
return batch
def _worker_loop(dataset, index_queue, data_queue, collate_fn, seed, init_fn, worker_id):
global _use_shared_memory
_use_shared_memory = True
# Intialize C side signal handlers for SIGBUS and SIGSEGV. Python signal
# module's handlers are executed after Python returns from C low-level
# handlers, likely when the same fatal signal happened again already.
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/signal.html Sec.
if init_fn is not None:
watchdog = ManagerWatchdog()
while True:
r = index_queue.get(timeout=MANAGER_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL)
except queue.Empty:
if watchdog.is_alive():
if r is None:
idx, batch_indices = r
samples = collate_fn([dataset[i] for i in batch_indices])
except Exception:
data_queue.put((idx, ExceptionWrapper(sys.exc_info())))
data_queue.put((idx, samples))
del samples
- 需要對隊列操作,緩存數(shù)據(jù),使得加載提速!
您可能感興趣的文章:- pytorch鎖死在dataloader(訓練時卡死)
- pytorch Dataset,DataLoader產(chǎn)生自定義的訓練數(shù)據(jù)案例
- 解決Pytorch dataloader時報錯每個tensor維度不一樣的問題
- Pytorch dataloader在加載最后一個batch時卡死的解決
- Pytorch 如何加速Dataloader提升數(shù)據(jù)讀取速度
- pytorch DataLoader的num_workers參數(shù)與設置大小詳解
- pytorch 實現(xiàn)多個Dataloader同時訓練