% A_Key=split("96,44,63,80",",") '定義密鑰 '*********加密的過程********* Function EnCrypt(m) Dim strChar,iKeyChar,iStringChar,I k=0 for I = 1 to Len(m) iKeyChar =Cint(A_Key(k)) iStringChar = Asc(mid(m,I,1)) '獲取字符的ASCII碼值 iCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar '進(jìn)行異或運算 '對密鑰進(jìn)行移位運算 If k3 Then k=k+1 Else k=0 End If c = c Chr(iCryptChar) next EnCrypt = c End Function '*********解密的過程********* Function DeCrypt(c) Dim strChar, iKeyChar, iStringChar, I k=0 for I = 1 to Len(c) iKeyChar =Cint(A_Key(k)) iStringChar = Asc(mid(c,I,1)) iDeCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar '進(jìn)行異或運算 '對密鑰進(jìn)行移位運算 If k3 Then k=k+1 Else k=0 End If strDecrypted = strDecrypted Chr(iDeCryptChar) next DeCrypt = strDecrypted End Function %>