
主頁 > 知識庫 > ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)


熱門標簽:淮安自動外呼系統(tǒng)開發(fā) 南通防封外呼系統(tǒng)運營商 百變地圖標注 廣州市400電話辦理 修改高德地圖標注 語音電話機器人缺點 宜賓外呼系統(tǒng)廠家 語音電話機器人營銷方案 地圖標注原件
正在看的ORACLE教程是:ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)。ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[num],[?],[?],[?],[?]

(系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)和進程狀態(tài)),系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)存儲將包括ORACLE RDBMS持有的當前對象的信息,進程狀態(tài)轉儲則將顯示特殊進程持



ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1237], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


Cause:This is a catchall internal error message for Oracle program exceptions.It indicates that a process
has met a low-level,unexpected condition.Various causes of this message include:


File corruption(文件太老)

Failed data checks in memory(內存檢索失?。?br>
Hardware,memory,or I/O errors(硬件、內存或者磁盤錯誤)

Incorrectly restored files(錯誤的重建文件)

ORA-03113:end-of-file on communication channel



2>.檢查sql*Net Driver是否連接到ORACLE可執(zhí)行程序





Cause:An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel.The problem could not be
handled by the Net8,two task,software.This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated
with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally,or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess
communication vehicle,that is,the network or server machine went down.

Action:If this message occurs during a commection attempt,check the setup files for the appropriate Net8
driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server.If the message occurs after a
connection is well established,and the error is not due to a physical failure,check if a trace file was
generated on the server at failure time.Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error
that requires the assistance of customer support.

ORA-00942:table or view does not exist




Cause:The table or view entered does not exist,a synonym that is jnot allowed here was used,or a view was
referenced where a table is required.Existing user tables and views can be listed by querying the data
dictionary.Certain privileges may required to access the table.If an application returned this message,the
table the application tried to access does not exist in the database,or the application does not have
access to it.

Action:Check each of the following:

The spelling of the table or view name.

That a view is not specified where a table is required

That an existing table or view name exists.

Contact the database administrator if the table needs to be created or if user or application priviledes
are required to access the table.

Also, if attempting to access a table or view in another schema,make certain thecorrect schema is
referenced and that access to the object is granted.

ORA-01598:rollback segment “name” is not online

Cause:The rollback segment was taken offline either manually or by SMON.

Action:Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS.

ORA-1636: rollback segment “name” is already online

Cause:A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is trying to bring a rollback
segment online that is already in use.

Action:Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parameters

[1] [2] 下一頁

正在看的ORACLE教程是:ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)。nd ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance
whiththe problem,Also check that the instance is using the correct initialization parameter file.Make sure
you are not confused about the difference between private and public rollback segments.See the Oracle8
Server Administrator's Guide for more information about using rollback segments in paraller mode.

上述錯誤均為我們在使用回滾段時比較常見的問題,ORA-01598指明當前使用的回滾段的狀態(tài)為“not online”,不能使

ORA-1636 signalled during: alter rollback segment rb00 online

我們在做統(tǒng)計時還可能遇到下述問題:一個rollback segment的狀態(tài)為”Needs Recovery”的現(xiàn)象,這是由于ORACLE回退
undo的目標被破壞或者rollback segment被破壞。解決的辦法是將所有的tablespace和datafile都置為online狀態(tài),如果
不能解決則做下面的工作:1>.在initsid.ora中加入event=”10015 trace name context forever lever
10”;2>.shutdown數(shù)據(jù)庫然后重啟;3>.在$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log下,找到startup時生成的trace file;4>.在trace文件
中,找到下列信息“error recovery tx(#,#) object #”;5>.根據(jù)object#(與sys.dba_objects表中的object_id相同)在
sys.dba_objects表中查出該object的名字;6>.將該object drop掉;7>.在init.ora文件中將該rollback segment放回
rollback_segments參數(shù)中,刪除event;8>.shutdown數(shù)據(jù)庫然后重啟。此時”Needs Recovery”的問題應該是完全解決
了,否則就是rollback segment被破壞了。

ORA-01688:unable to extend table name.name partition NAME by NUM in tablespace NAME


解決方法:使用“ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE”命令增加文件系統(tǒng)文件和原始分區(qū),或者增加INITIAL的大?。ㄈ纾?BR>alter tablespace CDRS101 default storage(next 500M pctincrease 1))應該能夠解決,否則就是有人使用你的表空間


ORA-1688: unable to extend table RMMCDR.LOCAL_CDR partition LOCAL_CDR101 by 460800 in tablespace CDRS101


Cause:An extent could not be allocated for a table segment in tablespace

Action:Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the specified tablespace


上一頁  [1] [2] 

  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(一)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(二)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(一)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(二)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(二)
  • ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(一)
  • Oracle 錯誤代碼整理總結

標簽:襄陽 池州 南平 南平 股票投資 通化 嘉峪關 聊城

巨人網(wǎng)絡通訊聲明:本文標題《ORACLE常見錯誤代碼的分析與解決(三)》,本文關鍵詞  ORACLE,常見,錯誤,代碼,的,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內容存在版權問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡,涉及言論、版權與本站無關。
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