變量 | 含義 |
$0 | 當前腳本的文件名 |
$n | 傳遞給腳本或函數(shù)的參數(shù)。n 是一個數(shù)字,表示第幾個參數(shù)。例如,第一個參數(shù)是$1,第二個參數(shù)是$2 |
$# | 傳遞給腳本或函數(shù)的參數(shù)個數(shù) |
$* | 傳遞給腳本或函數(shù)的所有參數(shù) |
$@ | 傳遞給腳本或函數(shù)的所有參數(shù)。被雙引號(” “)包含時,與 $* 稍有不同 |
$? | 上個命令的退出狀態(tài),或函數(shù)的返回值。成功返回0,失敗返回1 |
$$ | 當前Shell進程ID。對于 Shell 腳本,就是這些腳本所在的進程ID |
$* 和 $@ 都是將參數(shù)一個一個返回
"$*"將所有參數(shù)當做一個整體字符串返回 , "$@"將參數(shù)一個一個返回
在shell命令文件中還經常會看到類似與if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then這樣的判斷語句?是不是也和我一樣很疑惑-z是什么含義?
-a file exists. -b file exists and is a block special file. -c file exists and is a character special file. -d file exists and is a directory. -e file exists (just the same as -a). -f file exists and is a regular file. -g file exists and has its setgid(2) bit set. -G file exists and has the same group ID as this process. -k file exists and has its sticky bit set. -L file exists and is a symbolic link. -n string length is not zero. -o Named option is set on. -O file exists and is owned by the user ID of this process. -p file exists and is a first in, first out (FIFO) special file or named pipe. -r file exists and is readable by the current process. -s file exists and has a size greater than zero. -S file exists and is a socket. -t file descriptor number fildes is open and associated with a terminal device. -u file exists and has its setuid(2) bit set. -w file exists and is writable by the current process. -x file exists and is executable by the current process. -z string length is zero.
例如,if [ $# -gt 0 ]這樣判斷傳入參數(shù)個數(shù)是否為0
命令 | 含義 |
-eq | 等于 |
-ne | 不等于 |
-gt | 大于 |
-lt | 小于 |
ge | 大于等于 |
le | 小于等于 |