Usage: MDir -w WebSite Index>
-v Name1,Path1,Name2,Path2,...>
Example : MDir -w 1 -v "Root/Disk-C","C:\","Root/Disk-D","D:\"
Index ServerComment
1 asp.com
2 asp.net
3 aspx.net
4 aspx.com
5 tmp.com
6 tmp.net
如果你想在 asp.com 中創(chuàng)建,則需要記準對應的 Index值。格式如下
C:\inetpub\wwwroot>md Root
C:\inetpub\wwwroot>Cscript mdir.vbs -w "1" -v "Root/Disk-c","c:\"
C:\inetpub\wwwroot>rd Root
復制代碼 代碼如下:
'Lilo 編寫
On Error Resume Next
Dim oArgs, ArgNum, ArgComputer, ArgWebSites, ArgVirtualDirs, ArgDirNames(), ArgDirPaths(), DirIndex, ArgComputers
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
ArgComputers = Array("LocalHost")
ArgNum = 0
While ArgNum oArgs.Count
If (ArgNum + 1) >= oArgs.Count Then
Call DisplayUsage
End If
Select Case LCase(oArgs(ArgNum))
Case "-w":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgWebSites = oArgs(ArgNum)
Case "-v":
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgVirtualDirs = Split(oArgs(ArgNum), ",", -1)
Case "-?"
Call DisplayUsage
End Select
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgNum = 0
DirIndex = 0
MaxWeb = CLng(ListAllWeb(0))
If Not IsNumeric(ArgWebSites) Or MaxWeb = 0 Then Call DisplayUsage
ReDim ArgDirNames((UBound(ArgVirtualDirs)+1) \&;2)
ReDim ArgDirPaths((UBound(ArgVirtualDirs)+1) \&;2)
if isArray(ArgVirtualDirs) then
While ArgNum = UBound(ArgVirtualDirs)
ArgDirNames(DirIndex) = ArgVirtualDirs(ArgNum)
If (ArgNum + 1) > UBound(ArgVirtualDirs) Then
WScript.Echo "Error understanding virtual directories"
Call DisplayUsage
End If
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
ArgDirPaths(DirIndex) = ArgVirtualDirs(ArgNum)
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
DirIndex = DirIndex + 1
end if
If (ArgWebSites = "") Or (IsArray(ArgDirNames) = False or IsArray(ArgDirPaths) = False) Then
Call DisplayUsage
Dim compIndex
for compIndex = 0 to UBound(ArgComputers)
Call ASTCreateVirtualWebDir(ArgComputers(compIndex),ArgWebSites,ArgDirNames,ArgDirPaths)
End If
Sub Display(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now ". Error Code: " Hex(Err) " - " Msg
End Sub
Sub Trace(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now " : " Msg
End Sub
Sub DisplayUsage()
WScript.Echo String(75,"*") vbCrLf "Usage: MDir -w WebSite Index>" vbCrLf " -v Name1,Path1,Name2,Path2,...>" vbCrLf "Example : MDir -w 1 -v ""Root/Disk-C"",""C:\"",""Root/Disk-D"",""D:\""" vbCrLf String(75,"*") vbCrLf ListAllWeb(1)
End Sub
Sub ASTCreateVirtualWebDir(ComputerName,WebSiteName,DirNames,DirPaths)
Dim Computer, webSite, WebSiteID, vRoot, vDir, DirNum
On Error Resume Next
Set webSite = GetObject("IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/" WebSiteName)
if IsObject(webSite) then
set vRoot = webSite.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
Trace "Accessing Root For " webSite.ADsPath
If (Err > 0) Then
Display "Unable To Access Root for " webSite.ADsPath
DirNum = 0
If (IsArray(DirNames) = True) And (IsArray(DirPaths) = True) And (UBound(DirNames) = UBound(DirPaths)) Then
While DirNum UBound(DirNames)
Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir",DirNames(DirNum))
If (Err > 0) Then
Display "Unable To Create " vRoot.ADsPath "/" DirNames(DirNum) "."
vDir.EnableDirBrowsing = True
vDir.DirBrowseShowDate = False
vDir.DirBrowseShowTime = False
vDir.DirBrowseShowSize = False
vDir.DirBrowseShowExtension = False
vDir.DirBrowseShowLongDate = True
vDir.DirBrowseFlags = -1073741762
vDir.AccessRead = True
vDir.AccessWrite = False
vDir.AccessExecute = False
vDir.AccessScript = False
vDir.AccessSource = False
vDir.AccessNoRemoteRead = False
vDir.AccessNoRemoteWrite = False
vDir.AccessNoRemoteExecute = False
vDir.AccessNoRemoteScript = False
vDir.AppIsolated = 1
vDir.AccessFlags = 1
vDir.ContentIndexed = False
vDir.CreateProcessasUser = False
vDir.DontLog = True
' vDir.DefaultDoc = ""
vDir.EnableDefaultDoc = False
vDir.AppFriendlyName = ""
vDir.AppCreate2 3
vDir.Path = DirPaths(DirNum)
If (Err > 0) Then
Display "Unable To Bind Path " DirPaths(DirNum) " to " vRootName "/" DirNames(DirNum) ". Path may be invalid."
'Save the changes
If (Err > 0) Then
Display "Unable To Save Configuration For " vRootName "/" DirNames(DirNum) "."
Trace "Web Virtual Directory " vRootName "/" DirNames(DirNum) " created successfully."
End If
End If
End If
Err = 0
DirNum = DirNum + 1
End If
End If
Display "Unable To Find " WebSiteName " on " ComputerName
End if
Trace "Done."
End Sub
Function ListAllWeb(n)
Set ObjService=GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC")
If n = 1 Then ListAllWeb = "" Else ListAllWeb = 0
For Each obj3w In objservice
If IsNumeric(obj3w.Name) Then
If n = 1 Then
ListAllWeb = ListAllWeb obj3w.Name String(15-Len(obj3w.Name)," ") obj3w.ServerComment vbCrLf
ListAllWeb = ListAllWeb + 1
End If
End If
if n = 1 Then ListAllWeb = "Index" String(10," ") "ServerComment" vbCrLf String(75,"_") vbCrLf ListAllWeb
Set ObjService=Nothing
End Function