% '設(shè)置超時(shí)的時(shí)間 Server.ScriptTimeout=9999 '############## '文件保存函數(shù) '############# function SaveToFile(from,tofile) on error resume next dim geturl,objStream,imgs geturl=trim(from) Mybyval=getHTTPstr(geturl) Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Type =1 objStream.Open objstream.write Mybyval objstream.SaveToFile tofile,2 objstream.Close() set objstream=nothing if err.number>0 then err.Clear end function '############## '字符處理替換 '############# function geturlencodel(byval url)'中文文件名轉(zhuǎn)換 Dim i,code geturlencodel="" if trim(Url)="" then exit function for i=1 to len(Url) code=Asc(mid(Url,i,1)) if code0 Then code = code + 65536 If code>255 Then geturlencodel=geturlencodel"%"Left(Hex(Code),2)"%"Right(Hex(Code),2) else geturlencodel=geturlencodelmid(Url,i,1) end if next end function '############## 'XML獲取遠(yuǎn)程頁面開始 '############# function getHTTPPage(url) on error resume next dim http set http=Server.createobject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") Http.open "GET",url,false Http.send() if Http.readystate>4 then exit function getHTTPPage=bytes2BSTR(Http.responseBody) set http=nothing if err.number>0 then err.Clear end function Function bytes2BSTR(vIn) dim strReturn dim i,ThisCharCode,NextCharCode strReturn = "" For i = 1 To LenB(vIn) ThisCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i,1)) If ThisCharCode H80 Then strReturn = strReturn Chr(ThisCharCode) Else NextCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i+1,1)) strReturn = strReturn Chr(CLng(ThisCharCode) * H100 + CInt(NextCharCode)) i = i + 1 End If Next bytes2BSTR = strReturn End Function '############## 'XML獲取遠(yuǎn)程頁面結(jié)束,這段是小偷程序都通用的部分 '############# '############## '分解地址,取得文件名 '############# function getFileName(byval filename) if instr(filename,"/")>0 then fileExt_a=split(filename,"/") getFileName=lcase(fileExt_a(ubound(fileExt_a))) if instr(getFileName,"?")>0 then getFileName=left(getFileName,instr(getFileName,"?")-1) end if else getFileName=filename end if end function '############## '獲取遠(yuǎn)程頁面函數(shù) '############# function getHTTPstr(url) on error resume next dim http set http=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") Http.open "GET",url,false Http.send() if Http.readystate>4 then exit function getHTTPstr=Http.responseBody set http=nothing if err.number>0 then err.Clear end function '############## 'FSO處理函數(shù),創(chuàng)建目錄 '############# Function CreateDIR(ByVal LocalPath) '建立目錄的程序,如果有多級(jí)目錄,則一級(jí)一級(jí)的創(chuàng)建 On Error Resume Next LocalPath = Replace(LocalPath, "\", "/") Set FileObject = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") patharr = Split(LocalPath, "/") path_level = UBound(patharr) For I = 0 To path_level If I = 0 Then pathtmp = patharr(0) "/" Else pathtmp = pathtmp patharr(I) "/" cpath = Left(pathtmp, Len(pathtmp) - 1) If Not FileObject.FolderExists(cpath) Then FileObject.CreateFolder cpath Next Set FileObject = Nothing If Err.Number > 0 Then CreateDIR = False Err.Clear Else CreateDIR = True End If End Function function GetfileExt(byval filename) fileExt_a=split(filename,".") GetfileExt=lcase(fileExt_a(ubound(fileExt_a))) end function '############## '如何獲取虛擬的路徑 '############# function getvirtual(str,path,urlhead) if left(str,7)="http://" then url=str elseif left(str,1)="/" then start=instrRev(str,"/") if start=1 then url="/" else url=left(str,start) end if url=urlheadurl elseif left(str,3)="../" then str1=mid(str,inStrRev(str,"../")+2) ar=split(str,"../") lv=ubound(ar)+1 ar=split(path,"/") url="/" for i=1 to (ubound(ar)-lv) url=urlar(i) next url=urlstr1 url=urlheadurl else url=urlheadstr end if getvirtual=url end function |
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