
主頁 > 知識庫 > Asp 解析 XML并分頁顯示源碼

Asp 解析 XML并分頁顯示源碼

熱門標簽:石家莊慧營銷外呼系統(tǒng) 世界地圖標注了哪些城市 創(chuàng)意電話機器人 梧州市地圖標注 java外呼系統(tǒng)是什么 武穴地圖標注 濟源電銷外呼系統(tǒng)線路 外呼線路批發(fā) 地圖標注陽江
Asp 解析 XML并分頁顯示,示例源碼如下:
復制代碼 代碼如下:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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#right_topic .xinhua .top_cont
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height: 140px;
#right_topic .xinhua .top_cont .xh_logo
width: 270px;
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margin: 25px 10px;
#right_topic .xinhua .top_cont .xh_text
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color: #0761B7;
.list ul li h4 a
color: #206295;
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.list ul li h4 a:hover
text-decoration: underline;
.list ul li span
float: right;
width: 120px;
color: #999;
font-size: 14px;
text-align: right;
.list ul li p
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 12px;
.list ul li.bg
background: #f5f8fa;
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script type="text/javascript">
var $m = $(window.parent.document).find("#MyXH08");
$m.load(function () {
var thish = $(document).height() + 30;
body style="width: 690px;">
!-- 列表信息 -->
div class="list">
Dim xmlDoc,objNodes,pIndex,pSize,i,http,xmlUrl
pSize = 10 '頁大小
xmlUrl ="http://back.moneypower.cn/news.xml"

REM 頁索引
pIndex = Request.QueryString("p")
if Cint(pIndex) > 6 Or Cint(pIndex) 1 then
pIndex = 1
end if

REM 異步讀取XML源
Set http = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
http.open "GET",xmlUrl,false

REM 定義 讀取XML 的變量
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = false
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = false

Set objNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item")

if objNodes.length > 0 then
i = 0
For j = (pSize*(pIndex-1)) to (pSize*pIndex-1) step 1
myTitle = objNodes(j).childNodes(0).text
myDate = objNodes(j).childNodes(3).text
myDescription = objNodes(j).childNodes(2).text
link = Server.URLEncode(objNodes(j).childNodes(1).text)
myLink = "http://www.fx678.com/news/currency/XH08NewsContent.asp?u=" link
% if i Mod 2 = 0 then %>
li class="bg">
% else %>
% end if %>
%= FormatDate(myDate,2) %>
/span>a target="_blank" href="%= myLink %>">
%= myTitle %>/a>/h4>
%= myDescription %>
i = i + 1
End If
!-- 分頁信息 -->
div id="pageZone">
if pIndex = 1 then
span class="Disabled">第一頁/span>
span class="Disabled">上一頁/span>
span class="isNow number" title="您正在瀏覽本頁">1/span>
span class="number" title="第2頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=2">2/a>
span class="number" title="第3頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=3">3/a>
span class="number" title="第4頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=4">4/a>
span class="number" title="第5頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=5">5/a>
span class="number" title="第6頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=6">6/a>
span title="轉到下一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=%= Cint(pIndex+1) %>">下一頁>>/a>
span title="轉到最后一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=6">最后一頁/a>
elseif pIndex = 6 then
span class="Disabled">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=1">第一頁/a>
span title="轉到上一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=%= Cint(pIndex-1) %>">上一頁/a>
span class="number" title="第1頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=1">1/a>
span class="number" title="第2頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=2">2/a>
span class="number" title="第3頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=3">3/a>
span class="number" title="第4頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=4">4/a>
span class="number" title="第5頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=5">5/a>
span class="number isNow" title="您正在瀏覽本頁">6/span>
span class="Disabled">下一頁>>/span>
span class="Disabled" title="轉到最后一頁">最后一頁/span>
span class="number">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=1">第一頁/a>
span title="轉到上一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=%= Cint(pIndex-1) %>">上一頁/a>
for m = 1 to 6 step 1
if Cint(pIndex) = Cint(m) then
span class="number isNow" title="您正在瀏覽本頁">%= m %>/span>
span class="number" title="第%= m %>頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=%= m %>">%= m %>/a>
end if
span title="轉到下一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=%= Cint(pIndex+1) %>">下一頁>>/a>
span title="轉到最后一頁">
a href="zt_CFDL_List.asp?p=6">最后一頁/a>
end if

Public Function FormatDate(DateAndTime, para)
On Error Resume Next
Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s, strDateTime
FormatDate = DateAndTime
If Not IsNumeric(para) Then Exit Function
If Not IsDate(DateAndTime) Then Exit Function
y = CStr(Year(DateAndTime))
m = CStr(Month(DateAndTime))
If Len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" m
d = CStr(Day(DateAndTime))
If Len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" d
h = CStr(Hour(DateAndTime))
If Len(h) = 1 Then h = "0" h
mi = CStr(Minute(DateAndTime))
If Len(mi) = 1 Then mi = "0" mi
s = CStr(Second(DateAndTime))
If Len(s) = 1 Then s = "0" s
Select Case para
Case "1"
strDateTime = y "-" m "-" d " " h ":" mi ":" s
Case "2"
strDateTime = y "-" m "-" d
Case "3"
strDateTime = y "/" m "/" d
Case "4"
strDateTime = y "年" m "月" d "日"
Case "5"
strDateTime = m "-" d
Case "6"
strDateTime = m "/" d
Case "7"
strDateTime = m "月" d "日"
Case "8"
strDateTime = y "年" m "月"
Case "9"
strDateTime = y "-" m
Case "10"
strDateTime = y "/" m
Case "11"
strDateTime = m "-" d " " h ":" mi
Case "12"
strDateTime = h ":" mi ":" s
Case "13"
strDateTime = y m d h mi s
Case "14"
strDateTime = y m d
Case "15"
strDateTime = h mi s
Case "16"
strDateTime = h ":" mi
Case "17"
strDateTime = y m d h mi s
Case "18"
strDateTime = y m d
Case "19"
strDateTime = y m
Case Else
strDateTime = DateAndTime
End Select
FormatDate = strDateTime
End Function

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標簽:迪慶 南寧 甘南 唐山 滁州 揭陽 來賓 淮北

巨人網(wǎng)絡通訊聲明:本文標題《Asp 解析 XML并分頁顯示源碼》,本文關鍵詞  Asp,解析,XML,并,分頁,顯示,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡,涉及言論、版權與本站無關。
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